A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tota News


St. Regis Mohawk Senior




Feb. 5th – Healthy Choices for Healthy Life @ Diabetes Center-9:30-12:00; Haircuts-10:00; Shopping-1:00; Feb. 6th – Craft Class-1:00; Green Food Bag Deadline-2:00; Feb.9th – Bingo-1:00; Feb. 10th – Massage-9:00-2:30; Yoga-10:00; Club Meeting-10:00; shopping-1:00; Feb. 11th – Nutrition Education-10:00; depart for swim class-12:30; Feb. 12th – Valentine’s Day Game-12:30; Advisory Board Meeting-10:30; Healthy Choices for Healthy Life-9:30-12:00; Shopping-1:00


Feb. 1st –Gordon Delormiere

Feb. 3rd –Frank Hutt

Feb. 5th- Thomas Jacobs

Feb. 7th –Rita Wright & Helen Chubb

Feb. 10th –Emily Thompson, Arthur Jacobs, William Oakes & Irv MacLaren

Feb. 11th –John Loewen, Lori Thompson & Lucille Peters

Feb. 12th – Helen Arno, Roger Caldwell & Mary Wainman


Home for the Elderly


Thursday evening community bingo has gone into hibernation for the winter!  There will be NO WEEKLY BINGO on Thursdays through the months of January, February, and March.

The Opening Ceremonies for the 2015 Akwesasne Winter Carnival will be held at Iakhihsohtha Lodge on Thursday, February 12, 2015 with the second annual Snowflake festival. Opening ceremonies begin at 11:30 and at noon we will have judging for the “Best Chili” contest, “Best Fry-bread” contest and “Best Biscuits”! There will be a band in the afternoon at 1:00-3:00 and annual Snowflake Bingo @ 6:30 that evening which is open to the community! Packages available: $10.00/$15.00/$20.00, specials available @ $1.00 per sheet.

 IMPORTANT REMINDER: RSVP your attendance to all of our events and inform the kitchen staff if you will be joining your family member for lunch or supper before 10:00am, so that they can make the proper adjustments. Thank You.



Check us out on Facebook: “friends of Tsiionkwanonhso:te”



Akwesasne Tri-District Elders meet every Wednesday starting at 10am. Bingo after lunch at 12:45 and everyone is welcome. Bring a friend.

The $5.00 membership fee is due in January and February, after February it will be $10.00


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