A Voice from the Eastern Door

Health January 2015

January the month to start new, to start fresh and to start over. To do everything better; to be happier, be healthier, to be kinder to everyone. To spend more time with your family and friends and less on Facebook and Twitter and watching TV. While you can take any day of the year to start anew, January is the perfect month as it hosts the Longhouse Midwinter Ceremonies and of course, January 1st, New Years Day.

January is also host to a number of other important and noteworthy “National Month” days such as;

National Bath Safety Month

National Blood Donor Month

National Braille Literacy Month

National Hobby Month

Hot Tea Month

National Oatmeal Month

National Soup Month

In January you could make sure the bath is safe for the elders and very young in your family. You could donate blood or drive someone to a donation center to donate blood. You could donate to the National Braille Society or National Blind Society. You could start the new hobby you have been thinking of or renew the old one you have set aside. Drink tea – it’s good for your health and share some tea with your co-workers, family and friends. Now is the month to start enjoying the old childhood staple – oatmeal. It’s filling, it’s healthy and it’s inexpensive. And now is the perfect time to make a pot of healthy and hearty soup.

January is also home to a variety of lesser known “Special” days and here are a few of them; January 2nd is the Festival of Sleep Day, presumably from all the festivities from the 1st. January 3rd is Fruit Cake Toss which I am sure most people would agree is everyday. January 5th is home to Bean Day and Cuddle Day which is an oxymoron in itself. You could read Jack and the Beanstalk to your preschooler or make a healthy pot of bean soup for all. Jump to January 11 as Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend. Where in the North Country can we find a puddle not frozen and a friend who will stand there while you jump in it to splash them? Moving on to January 12th, which marks the Feast (yes, “Feast”) of Fabulous Men Day. Nothing more needs to be said about January 12th.

The very next next day on the 13th is Make A Dream Come True Day. Think of the possibilities, both big and small, that you could do with this day. Just think of the satisfaction of “making a dream come true”. The next remarkable day is the 17th, which is Ditch New Years Eve Resolutions. Don’t give up, if you ditch your NYE resolutions, just ditch them for one day and start again in the morning. The 18th is a great day for all – National Winnie the Pooh Day. Rejoice, like a child once again.

January 19th is Martin Luther King Day, we should all have a dream.

The 23rd is one of my favorites – National Pie Day. Make a whole lot of pies and eat every one. The 26th is National Spouse Day. Do something special for your spouse and make it a very good day. On January 28th turn your attention to National Fun at Work Day. Maybe your job isn’t so fun, maybe today is the day to start looking for something you love to do and make a living out of it. And my favorite; January 31st, National Backwards Day. Go forward in your life and when you can’t, go backwards and it should be easy because you have already been there. And don’t make the same mistake twice. January. Renew, Rejoice, and celebrate every day.


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