A Voice from the Eastern Door

Political MOU based on "Mutual Trust and Understanding" Signed by Quebec and MCA

Quebec provides financial assistance of $723,000 to community

Québec, December 15, 2014. – The Minister responsible for Native Affairs, Geoffrey Kelley, and the Government Whip and Member of the National Assembly for Huntingdon, Stéphane Billette, visited Akwesasne on Monday December 15, 2014, to sign, along with the Grand Chief of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Michael Kanentakeron Mitchell, a political memorandum of understanding between the Government and the Council. The ceremony took place at the St. Regis Recreation where the minister also announced financial assistance of $723,522 to assist the community in diversifying its economy.

The signing ceremony started with Rakwiráhes Pembleton and Teiakohserathe King reciting the Ohénton Kariwatékwen. Brendan White was Master of Ceremonies who guided the flow of speakers. Before the signing were remarks from Grand Chief Mitchell, Minister Kelly and Député Billette.

"I am particularly pleased to officialise this agreement today. The discussions that led to the establishment of the protocol were conducted in the most respectful manner and with the objective of achieving pleasant and effective collaborations for the next ten years. In addition, I am convinced that new and innovative projects will be developed as a result of this diversification funding and help Akwesasne's economy," said the Minister.

"The Akwesasne Economic Development Fund has had a positive effect on Akwesasne by diversifying and strengthening our community's economy and, most importantly, by serving as a catalyst for local entrepreneurs seeking financial assistance to initiate or expand their business ventures. Many new businesses and new partnerships with funding agencies have developed that would not have otherwise had the opportunity to begin or expand without AEDF match funding. It has provided over two hundred job opportunities within Akwesasne since 2007 as a direct result of our local businesses utilizing AEDF funding," said Grand Chief Mitchell.

The official signing took place, and after, the Grand Chief along with District Chiefs April Adams-Phillips and Karen Loran, presented gifts to the guests including lacrosse sticks and splint and sweetgrass baskets.

Then members of MCA Economic Development presented a video featuring many of the community members the grants helped saying thank you to Quebec. Kylee Tarbell spoke about the leakage study they were able to conduct, the Buy Local Campaign and the Akwesasne Business Directory that is being put together. Tarbell said over 200 jobs in Akwesasne were established or maintained due to the funding.

Casey Swamp, Assistant Business Leader of the Akwesasne Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the great things the chamber has been able to accomplish. He also told how, as a business owner who received a grant, it had helped him tremendously.

The memorandum of understanding will serve as a framework for discussions between Québec and Akwesasne over the next ten years. The purpose of this protocol is to ensure constructive and harmonious exchanges between both parties, while considering issues such as justice, health, education, and public safety.

The purpose of the financial assistance, allocated under the Aboriginal Initiatives Fund II from the Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones, is to support native communities in their economic, social, and community development. Projects with strong economic potential will see the light of day thanks to the additional revenues now available to the Council.

"The signing of a memorandum of understanding and the substantial grant awarded to Council to diversify its economy are welcomed news for the community and the region. Not only will the Akwesasne community and the Government of Québec benefit from constructive exchanges for the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Akwesasne, but new projects will also be developed and stimulate the economy. The creation of businesses, consolidation and creation of jobs, and training of the local workforce will all lead to tangible results that I look forward to observing," added Mr. Billette.

Grand Chief Mitchell said he was satisfied with the meeting. The financial assistance will enable members of his community to develop stimulating projects, thus creating optimal economic conditions. The memorandum of understanding guarantees harmonious and effective exchanges with the Government of Québec and will contribute positively to the development of the Akwesasne community. He ended the ceremony with the Closing Address and all sat down to a traditional meal.

The following are the 12 AEDF grant recipients, which grants will total $723,522 when all conditions of the grants are complete. The recipients are listed by district.


LOK Creations, DTC Delormier Trucking, Cook Farm, Thompson Farm, Yogurt Express and Thompson Woodworks.


CFL Construction and Dream Catcher Studio.


Chrome Car Wash, Akwesasne Casket Co., Solutions, Renovations and Construction and Lazare's Tree and Lawn Care.


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