A Voice from the Eastern Door

Importance of Names

Introduction of Own Name and Interpretation:

A name is determined by your clan, gender, season, weather, or landmark event signifying the coming of a child. There are three main clans here amongst the Kanienkehaka Nation. They are Turtle, Wolf and Bear.

According to tradition, the mother carries the clan and that will determine the name the child will carry. When a girl is born the mother’s father or uncle will name the little girl (to prevent favoritism). When a boy is born, the father’s mother will name him (also to prevent favoritism).

The Raising of the Name ceremony is done at the mid-winter, strawberry, and harvest ceremonies and is called Atonwa. Atonwa ceremony is where an individual’s spirit is given an earthly name. “Spirit Naming” is one translation of Atonwa. Each clan represents a different type of people and this is recognized during the naming process. At the ceremony the parents, faith keeper, and clan mothers of the same clan will bring the child (or adult) to the center of the house and introduce them to the people, the Creator, the four directions, and all of creation will know this child by their Onkwehonwe name. Whenever this Onkwehonwe needs help or wants to give thanks, creation spirits will know who this child is and be recognized for what is needed for them. The child’s spirit is sanctioned.


Bear clan people will usually carry names that require great strength or medicines.

Wolf clan people will carry names having leadership connotations as well as the woods, fields, sky, and moon.

Turtle clan people will carry names with themes such as perseverance, earth, water and leadership.

Snipe clan people usually carry names dealing with the water, fields, tobacco and social gathering themes.

Deer clan people carry names that are influenced by fields, brush and meadows.

Eel clan will carry names concerning water, roots, big lakes, and rivers.

Beaver clan people carry names of creativity. They are doers, movers and shakers.

Hawk clan people carry names of wind, air, sky, sight, and hunting.

Have pride in your name. When you shorten your name this causes confusion with creation and along the way you will forget the meaning of the full name. Names are needed for ceremonies and recognition.

Courtesy of the Native North American Travelling College


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