A Voice from the Eastern Door

SRMS September Student Achievement Assembly

On Friday, the St. Regis Mohawk School had its Student Achievement Assembly for the month of September to recognize students that showed excellence with the trait "compassion." A few students from each grade were chosen by classroom and special area teachers on not only compassion, but also exemplifying the schools motto: Sken:nen Ratiha:wi. Principal Thomas emceed the event.

Before the awards, Maintenance and Cafeteria staff were thanked for their hard work by the school, because as Principal Thomas said, "Without them we wouldn't have school." They were presented with gifts from National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS) members. Then, NEHS President Tori Jacobs spoke about the college of the month, Cornell University. The assembly also included speeches by students running for Student Council. Finally, the awards were handed out and besides the awards, students also get early dismissal from buses, ice cream, swimming, and pizza and a movie. Congratulations students on a job well done!


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