A Voice from the Eastern Door

Cayuga Nation Leadership Calls for Peaceful End to Crisis

Seneca Falls, NY—The Council and Clan Mothers of the Cayuga Nation today called for a peaceful end to the current crisis. The Council is working diligently with local counties, cities, law enforcement, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs to resolve the current situation without violence.  

We are very concerned about the safety of the protesters, who have reported surveillance, threats and intimidation from armed security forces hired by Clint Halftown. The protesters are unarmed and committed to expressing their opposition to Halftown nonviolently.

Halftown’s tactics mirror those he has used on his own people for years. He was removed from his federal representative position because he was not working for the good of his people.   He retaliated against employees who questioned his profit-making ventures and other practices and failed to provide Cayuga citizens the most basic services, such as adequate housing. He also established a gaming hall and pursued a casino in direct violation of Cayuga law.  

Halftown led people to believe he was the only leader for the Cayuga Nation, rather than a part of a government that makes decisions by consensus and is guided by the views of the clans and the Clan Mothers.   He has been removed from his previous position as one of six Council members, under Cayuga Nation law. His prior BIA recognition was removed in August of 2011, and this lack of BIA recognition was unequivocally repeated in May of this year.

The Council of the Cayuga Nation is working hard to fulfill our responsibilities as the legitimate leaders of the Cayuga Nation on our homeland, and to rectify the wrongs that have occurred. We will continue to meet with Cayuga and Seneca County officials to repair the damage that Halftown has inflicted on our people and the region.

Our government is providing services to our people. We employ Cayuga citizens and offer programs to help people move back to the territory, and find housing. We have a Department of Public Works and Construction to repair Cayuga Nation housing.   Transportation Services provides rides for Cayugas who need to travel to doctor appointments. Our Cultural Resources department works to bring spirituality and cultural knowledge to our citizens, creating peace and stability. We are developing our language program, and providing community cultural activities such as the Smoke Dance here in Seneca Falls this weekend, which will be open to the public. We have partnerships with local schools to create murals depicting Cayuga history, and participate in the Peachtown Festival at Wells College.   The Cayuga Nation provides scholarships for the education and betterment of enrolled Cayugas and their children. By helping our people, we also help improve the local economy through our business relationships, and help our neighbors.

We continue to do all these things throughout the current crisis, using the good mind, and will continue to do so in the future. It is our responsibility.


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