It was a warm Sunday evening when the archers donned their bows at Generations Park.
The Akwesasne Archery Club has been meeting since mid July and will continue, hopefully and weather permitting, until the end of October. Kenny King and Arnold Printup, who have practiced archery for years, are the founders, and this is the first year they put the club together. The archery club meets every Wednesday and Sunday from about 5pm-7pm.
Kenny and Arnold are in the process of gathering funding and have already got some help from the JOM program with which they purchased targets. They are also seeking donations.
The club started out informal and has snowballed because of all the interest. There are at least seven or eight kids, and many of their parents, every time they meet. They welcome anyone age 4 and up, "If they can pull a bow back, they can come," said Kenny.
"There is nothing like this around for kids who don't play sports like lacrosse or basketball, but they are willing to pick up a bow." Kenny added. Kenny has been into archery for years and has been hunting his whole life. He is a member of US Archery and is planning to take classes for instructor certification. There is a lot of interest and everyone Arnold and Kenny talk to is very positive about the club.
"We're just two guys who really enjoy archery and thought to start a club. The emphasis is that young people and families come together and enjoy the sport," Arnold said. Arnold has been into archery for about 25 years. He talked about the future of the club and the ultimate goal of having a permanent spot where they could shoot everyday. "The sky's the limit, the youth could go on to compete in the Aboriginal Games, and the Olympics has archery too."
They are also planning to incorporate traditional teachings, values and language into the program. For more information email Arnold Printup at
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