A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tsiionkwanonhso:te Hosting Fundraising BBQ for Alzheimer's Society

The residents and staff of TSIIONKWANONHSO:TE (LTC) have supported the efforts of the Alzheimer Society for years with their Annual Coffee Break fundraiser.

Coffee Break is the Alzheimer Society’s major nationwide annual fundraiser where friends, co-workers and customers gather in communities across Canada to raise funds for local Alzheimer Societies. Participants at these events make a donation in exchange for a cup of coffee. The money raised stays in that province or community to help support local programs and services.

The 19th annual Alzheimer Coffee Break kicks off on Thursday, September 18, 2014 and continues throughout the month and into October. When you support an Alzheimer Coffee Break in your community, you help raise much-needed funds for local programs and services for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers. Your support makes a huge difference in their lives.

Coffee Break® is held from coast-to-coast during September and October

Dean and Aline Brush and their son Mathew are restauranteurs from Cornwall, Ontario who have found a unique way to engage a group greatly impacted by Alzheimer’s disease – residents, their families, and staff in nursing and retirement homes. The Brushes are the franchisees of the local Joey’s Only Seafood Restaurant. Like many of the other franchisees, the Brushes support Coffee Break® with a promotion in their restaurant, but they also sponsor a friendly competition in the community to promote support for the Alzheimer’s Society and encourage family outings to the restaurant. Judging from the fabulous response to the promotion, people from the retirement and nursing homes are delighted to be included in the Brushes’ simple and fun competition. Each year the winning residents are treated to a celebratory fish and chip dinner. The Brushes host the luncheon in their restaurant, giving residents a special outing, or they bring Joey’s to the winning nursing home and cook lunch for the residents there. “We always have a great time at that lunch,” says Dean.

On September 30th at noon, the staff at Tsiionkwanonhso:te invite families, friends and community members to dine al fresco with a terrific view of the St. Lawrence River as we host the final barbecue of the 2014 summer season. Pay what you can!

All proceeds are donated to the Alzheimer Society, Cornwall, Ontario. Their offices are located at:

Alzheimer Society of Cornwall & District

106B Second Street West, Time Square

P.O. Box 1852

Cornwall, ON, K6H 6N6

Tel: 613-932-4914 / Toll-free: 1-888-222-1445 / Fax: 613-932-6154 / Email: alzheimer.info@one-mail.on.ca


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