A Voice from the Eastern Door
Brenda Francis and Helen Lazore check vitals of Frankie Lafrance after her run. Photo by Arisawe.
Stewart Peters and his sister Kenkiohkwaronkwas (Ronkwas) compete as lone athletes in all events. Photo by Arisawe.
Waylon Cook reviews the rules to all the teams and supplies a map with instructions. Photo by Sherry Johnson.
Stewart Peters during the canoe portion of the race. He competed on his own in all events. Photo by Sherry Johnson.
Kenkiokwaronkwas (Ronkwas) is Stewart's sister and also competed by herself in all events. Photo by Sherry Johnson.
Super Heroes. L-R: Carrie Caldwell (Canoe), Cody Thompson (Swim/Pack), Sandy Barnes (Run), Jimbo Barnes (Canoe), Kristin Ransom (Bike).
1st Place team, Border Patrol returns winnings to AFS.
2nd Place team, Ganienkeh returns winnings to AFS. Photo by Arisawe.
3rd Place team, Steevi's returns winnings to AFS. Photo by Arisawe.
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