St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police blotter through Aug. 15:
Third-degree assault - Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police arrested Tyson L. Gonyou, 27, of Hogansburg, also charging him with endangering the welfare of a child. Gonyou was arraigned in Bombay Town Court and released under supervision of the Franklin County Probation Department and is to re-appear on Sept. 16.
Aggravated DWI - Tribal Police charged Ross A. Cree, 22, of Hogansburg with driving while intoxicated and aggravated driving while intoxicated. He was released with an appearance ticket for Bombay Town Court on Aug. 26.
Stop Sign Violation- Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Police ticketed two motorists.
Giselle M. Cook, 56, of Akwesasne is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 1. Blane A. Benedict, 21, of Bombay is to appear in Tribal Court Sept. 8.
Tribal police ticketed numerous drivers for speeding:
David Haynes 52 of Nepean, Ont. allegedly went 52 mph in a 35 mph zone. He is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 15.
Francis Hunter, 18, of Hogansburg allegedly went 60 mph in a 35 mph zone. He is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 1.
Kenneth L. Akey, 25, of Hogansburg allegedly went 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. He is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 1.
Tammy Mitchell, 40, of Snye, Que. allegedly went 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. She is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 1.
Shayleen O. Thompson, 25, of Irving, N.Y. allegedly went 50 mph in a 35 mph zone and was also cited for back seat passenger with no seatbelt. She is to appear in Bombay Town Court on Sept. 2.
Jean R. Gibson, 22 of Hogansburg allegedly went 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. She is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 1.
Thomas Roundpoint, 57, of Hogansburg allegedly went 51 mph in a 35 mph zone. He is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 1.
Andrew G. Lazore, 68, of Bombay allegedly went 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. He is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 8.
Kristian M. Ezard, 25, of Morrisburg, Ont. allegedly went 50-35 mph zone. She is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 15.
Daryl M. Diabo, 53, of Hogansburg allegedly went 63 mph in a 35 mph zone. He is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 8.
Alissa M. Vice, 20, of Massena allegedly went 50 mph in a 35 mph zone and was also cited for failure to produce registration. She is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 8.
Kimberly A. Burns, 51, of Akwesasne, Ont. allegedly went 51 mph in a 35 mph zone. She is to appear in Tribal Court on Sept. 1.
Unlawful possession of marijuana - Noah King, 21, of Akwesasne, N.Y. was ticketed by state troopers at the Massena port of entry on Aug. 17 at 6:30 p.m.
Cornwall, ON – Tate Jocko, 24 of Akwesasne was arrested on August 16th, 2014 and charged with threats to life and breach of undertaking for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on August 16th, 2014 while at the hospital the man threatened to kill hospital staff. Police were called and an investigation ensued. On August 16th, 2014 the man was taken into custody, charged accordingly and held for a bail hearing.
Cornwall, ON- The Cornwall Community Police Service would like to remind residents of the Cornwall Triathlon taking place this weekend on the 24th of August 2014. As a result of this event to ensure the safety of participants and spectators there will be several road closures. Beginning at 6:00 am until the conclusion of the event at approximately 12:30 pm, Montreal Road will be closed to traffic from Boundry Road - Marlborough Street. There will be no parking on Montreal Road between Boundry Road and Marlborough Street. There is a map of the race route available at .
The Cornwall Community Police Service is asking the public to be aware of a scam that has hit our area in the recent past. Unsuspecting people who are in need of help with odd jobs or renovations sometimes seek help through social media. Their ads are answered and an individual attends to give the homeowner a quote. Once a price is agreed upon the “contractor” asks for a deposit in order to get his/her crew together along with materials to start the job. The contractor then leaves the homeowner with an expected start date, however never returns. This is not always a civil matter and police are urging you to contact the Cornwall Community Police Service if you believe you are a victim of fraud.
(August 15, 2014) The New York State Police will again participate in a national crackdown, “Drunk Driving, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign.” The enforcement period begins on August 15 and will run through September 1, 2014.
Labor Day weekend traditionally results in heavy traffic volumes throughout the state. Unfortunately, this increased flow of traffic brings with it increased accidents, serious injuries and fatalities.
The State Police goal is to maximize DWI enforcement efforts to ensure motorists are not needlessly injured or killed by an intoxicated or drug impaired driver during this time.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drunk driving kills more than 10,000 people every year. On average in 2012, one person was killed every 51 minutes in an alcohol-impaired driving crash.
Drivers can expect to see sobriety checkpoints during the campaign, along with more troopers on major highways during this detail. Unmarked patrol vehicles will also be on patrol.
In addition to the DWI checkpoints and patrols, Troopers will also be watching for distracted or impaired drivers, vehicle occupants who are not properly buckled up, and drivers that are violating the “Move Over Law.”
Over Labor Day Weekend 2013, the State Police made 180 DWI arrests and issued more than 9,000 traffic tickets.
Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service Media Release
The Akwesasne Mohawk police report that on August 7th, 2014 a gray Chevrolet Silverado entered the parking lot of the A’nowara’ko:wa Arena matching the description of a reported stolen motor vehicle.
Police observed the vehicle leave the parking lot entering an old service road and Police pursued the vehicle a short distance to where it became stuck in a drainage ditch. Two of the occupants fled into the wooded area and two occupants were arrested on scene. The investigation is ongoing.
The Akwesasne Mohawk Police report that on August 18th, 2014 Police responded to a small child hit by a car on River Road in Tsi Snaihne. Witnesses at the scene observed the child attempt to cross the road and the oncoming vehicle swerved to miss the child. The child was hit by the side of the vehicle and landed in the ditch. Akwesasne Mohawk Police officers tended to the child until the arrival of the ambulance. No charges have been filed against the driver of the vehicle in this incident.
The Akwesasne Mohawk Police would like to remind speed boaters to be extremely careful of the canoers, kayakers and swimmers while traveling in our waters especially where people are swimming. We want everyone to be safe while enjoying recreational time in our waters so please be courteous to others and have a safe summer.
The Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service encourages anyone with any information that will assist in their investigations, to please contact Police at 613-575-2000 or Akwesasne Crime Stoppers at 613-575-2255. Help police serve the victims of crime!
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