A Voice from the Eastern Door

Polishing the Silver Covenant Chain

Continued from last week.

•Haudenosaunee Standing Committee on Burial Rules and Regulations

Our Nations operate their repatriation programs under the auspices of the Haudenosaunee. The Grand Council, in accordance with the Great Law of Peace and based on Haudenosaunee protocols and cultural beliefs established the Haudenosaunee Standing Committee on Burial Rules and Regulations (HSCBRR). The HSCBRR has been tasked to work with the Nations of the Haudenosaunee to develop protocols and procedures for a coordinated approach related to burial remains.

The HSCBRR works in cooperation and collaboration with the other nations and communities on both the United States and Canadian side of the border. Through our own internal governance, we then decide where repatriated objects will be assigned. In terms of cultural patrimony, these objects are held on behalf of all of the Haudenosaunee, no matter where they reside. In reality, we view all of our aboriginal territory on both sides of the U.S. - Canada boundary line as one land and we view all of the Haudenosaunee as one people.

•Protocol for Handling Discovery of Human Remains

When to contact?

-Known Burials - Intentional excavation - At the earliest time in decision making process

-Unidentified Burials- Inadvertent Discovery-Upon discovery

•Which Nation to contact? If find is within existing Nation boundary, contact that Nation’s Cultural Resource representatives.

If the find is within the traditional land use area (fifty mile radius from the current nation territory), contact the closest Nation’s Cultural Resource Representative.

If the find is within the aboriginal territory of each nation, as shown on the attached map, contact the Nation within that territory. For finds located within fifty miles on either side of the boundary lines shown on the map, contact the Cultural Resource Representatives of both Nations.

Who to contact?

Haudenosaunee Cultural Resource Representatives HSCBRR

•Information Required - Brief description of the find or potential find; site map and any information on the known cultural history of the area and summary of nearby archaeological findings.

-Known Burials - Nation will send a representative to review the site.

-Unidentified Burials-Company must hire a Native American on-site observer. No remains shall be removed.

•Next Steps Non-disturbance of burials is preferred.

If after proper consultation, the remains must be removed, we prefer to have them reburied close to their original location as possible, provided the future sanctity of the grave can be assured. No remains should be removed without proper cultural protocols. If no safe local burial ground can be offered, the Haudenosaunee will reclaim the remains for reburial at an undisclosed location. The local government/state agency/developer must pay all of the costs for such reburial.

All objects associated with the original burial must be reburied as well.

All of the soil in the immediate area of the burial should also be placed in the new grave.

To be continued next week.


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