TERRITORY OF AKWESASNE – The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) is informing the community to be aware of telemarketing scam artists and high-pressure sales people who may take advantage of the elderly. Recently, telemarketers have called elders and informed them that they are required to have a home inspection. The sales person uses information they have on the home and homeowner to their advantage. Community members should be aware that these callers are sales people and they may not be authorized or licensed to conduct business in Akwesasne.
If you are unsure about the authenticity of a business or individual, please contact the police or MCA before sharing any of your personal information. An MCA by-law requires that any individual seeking to conduct door-to-door sales within MCA jurisdiction must first obtain written permission from MCA or they can be charged with unlawfully purchasing, selling, or dealing as a hawker/peddler.
When receiving a call from an unwanted or suspicious caller, community members are encouraged to hang-up the phone or not to answer at all. When receiving a call from a telemarketer, individuals can ask to be added to the telemarketer’s internal “do not call” list. Every Canadian telemarketer is required to maintain such a list. Individuals can also register on the National Do Not Call List (DNCL) by visiting https://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/index-eng. Although this is a useful tool, community members should be aware that registering will not eliminate all telemarketing calls, as there are exemptions within the rules that may allow calls from organizations such as charities, those with whom you have existing business relationships, political parties, etc.
Elders and community members should exercise caution when approached by a salesperson, either at home or by telephone, and ensure the individual is not a scam artist and has proper credentials. Families are also encouraged to educate their elderly family members on the latest scams and sales pitches in our community and society.
If you suspect a caller/individual is operating illegally please contact the Akwesasne Mohawk Police at 613-575-2000.
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