A Voice from the Eastern Door


In the matter of Colleen Nolan (Applicant) vs. the Akwesasne Housing Authority (Respondent)

The Akwesasne Appeal Tribunal received an appeal filed with the Akwesasne Mohawk Court Administration.  The grounds for the Appeal are based upon a decision made by the Akwesasne Housing Authority on or about February 19, 2014, to evict Ms. Colleen Nolan from her Section 95 Rent to Own Home. The matter is now proceeding to the Oral Hearing stage of the prescribed Akwesasne Appeal Tribunal Regulation, which will be heard on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 5:00 pm.

The Akwesasne Appeal Tribunal will receive written requests from individuals or organizations that have an interest in making submissions and/or in giving oral testimony at the hearing. An individual or group may provide representations at a hearing where they:

a) can satisfactorily show that her/his interest relates to the issues in Appeal and that the decision of the Appeal Tribunal may have bearing on the Party’s ability to protect such interest; and/or

b) are able to provide useful information to aid in the deciding of the Appeal.

Anyone wishing to make any submissions must do so no later than 4:00 pm Friday, May 16th, 2014 at the Akwesasne Mohawk Court located at 101 Tewesateni Road, CIA #3 Administration Bldg., Kawehno:ke, Ontario, to the attention of the Court Administrator.

Should you have any questions regarding this notice please contact the Akwesasne Mohawk Court office at 613-575-2250 Ext. 1025.


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