A Voice from the Eastern Door

Akwesasne Economic Impact Leakage Study and Survey Now Underway

TERRITORY OF AKWESASNE – The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Economic Development Program is pleased to announce that an economic leakage study is currently underway in the territory. Leakage studies examine how much money is circulated within a certain area, in this case the territory of Akwesasne, and how much leaves the area, to be spent outside Akwesasne.

The study will allow MCA and local businesses to understand and improve the local economy. The results will help identify what types of businesses are needed in Akwesasne, information that will be beneficial to anyone who is aspiring to be a business owner. It will also help MCA identify long-term economic strategies and opportunities, and the results will be used as a benchmark to compare today’s economy with the economy in years to come.

MCA has hired the consulting firm MNP LLP to conduct the economic leakage study. One component of the study is a survey, which all Kawehno:ke, Kana:takon and Tsi Snaihne district community members are asked to participate in. Survey responses will be kept anonymous. As an incentive for participation, all survey respondents will be able to enter their names into a weekly draw for CKON radio bingo packages. All completed surveys received by MNP between March 31, 2014 and April 30, 2014, will be entered. Drawings will take place throughout the month of April and the final draw will be held on May 2, 2014.

For more information about the survey, please visit MCA’s Economic Development Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/MCAECDEV or contact Economic Development Officer Christopher Thompson at 613-575-2250 Ext 1050.


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