I have always been about time management. I hate being late, it is a pet peeve of mine. Even though I feel that way, I tend to be late for so many things and appointments it’s frustrating. In the morning I get up extra early to make sure I have time to get the boys and myself ready before we leave the house for work and school. Something always happens to us though. We will be on time right down to the minute. Then the dog runs away and I’m chasing him through the yard trying to herd him back into the house so he doesn’t freeze all day. The way that tiny little pain jumps and rolls all over the yard lets me know just how hilarious he thinks this game of “catch me if you can” is to him. Other times we are missing a glove, a sneaker for gym class, one of us forgot something in the house once we are all in the car. Everyday we just make it to work in time to open and catch those busses. When it comes to birthday parties I am so slow and last minute that I need two weeks notice so that one week before I’ll have the gift bought and wrapped because if not I’ll be racing to Walmart 45 minutes before a party. That means I will be doing the wrapping in the trunk of my car while still parked in the Walmart parking lot. Last minute? Yes, that’s me. I go to the post office five minutes before it closes because even though I have all day to go I never get on my way until then. Christmas Eve is when I wrap the majority of our gifts, it’s madness. That’s all I can call it.
Last year on my birthday I said I’m getting old and this is it. We have no more kids. Then after some more time I figured let’s give it one more year and then quit. Little brother was relieved, he wanted to be the baby forever. Well five days before my birthday, aka the dreaded and depressing deadline we found out we are expecting. Talk about being last minute lady!
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