A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tsi Snaihne Child Care Celebrating 20 Years

The Tsi Snaihne Child Care Center is celebrating its 20th anniversary. They have been open since 1993. RECE Supervisor Tracy Jacobs said, "The kids have been making 20th anniversary artwork." Tracy has been at the Tsi Snaihne Center for 5 to 6 years and has 16 years of experience in childcare.

The center has a toddler room and a preschool room. "We'd love to add an infant room, we know the need is out there, but space is limited. Right now there is room for 10 toddlers and 16 preschool age children," said Tracy. The toddler room is always full but there are spaces available in the preschool room, which takes children ages 2 ½ to 6.

In the preschool room is Rachel, who has been at the center for many years and also worked at the other centers and with all ages of children. She said, "You don't just watch children, you grow families. Sometimes you watch the whole family grow up. It's a beautiful thing watching them grow. I love it."

Tracy agreed saying, "A lot of our children come back as summer students and some have their children here now."

The Tsi Snaihne Center also has two Totas, Angie Sunday and Liz Sunday, who come in from 8:30am to 10:30am each day. They speak Mohawk and hand out all the extra love and hugs that only a Tota could. Tracy said, "They are here as a great support to our staff as Teachers of our language and extra hands when we need them. The children love them because they know there is always a hug and extra time for spoiling from each Tota for them."

The Tsi Snaihne Child Care Center emphasizes Quality Care. They are not babysitters. They are registered at the College of Early Childhood Education and they have to renew their membership ever year, which means they have the latest education. Staff have 2 year diplomas. In fact they are under the Ministry of Education who licenses them and comes every year to inspect the center. Additionally they follow MCA policies and procedures.

The center is very secure, the doors are locked, and you have to be buzzed in to get in.

The center has a reasonable rate of $80 a week for preschool and $100 a week for toddlers. They also may be able to help with subsidies. The center is open from 7:30am to 5pm.

The Tsi Snaihne Child Care Center is having an Open House on Friday December 20 from 3pm to 5pm. Everybody is invited to attend, you don't have to have a child there. Special guest Belly Buttons the Clown will be there, and there will be cookie decorating, a scrapbooking page activity and refreshments.

You can find them on Facebook at Akwesasne Child Care.


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