A Voice from the Eastern Door

LIGHT THE WAY TO HOPE National Addictions Week is November 17 - 23, 2013

Activity: Light the Way to Hope, a Candlelight Walk & Ceremony

Date: Monday, November 18

Time: 4 pm

Where: Meet at the parking lot across from the St. Regis Mohawk School in Hogansburg and then walk to the Seniors Building.

This walk is for ALL of Akwesasne!! Anyone whose lives have been affected/lost by addictions, including the addicts themselves, their family, their friends; those who work in the addictions field or related fields such as probation, social services; 12-step groups; and other counseling agencies!

The goal for this walk is to honor those lives that have been affected or lost by addictions. To provide a positive experience that could increase community awareness of addictions and to provide an opportunity for individuals and community resources to connect with each other in a positive setting!!

Walkers are encouraged to make their own posters, memorial posters, bring candles, lights, flashlights and/or any glow products! PLEASE dress accordingly, November weather will be chilly.


4 PM - Meet at the St. Regis Mohawk School in Hogansburg, present agenda

4:30 - Walk to the Seniors building

5 PM - Hot Chocolate/coffee & Snacks

Speakers: -Akwesasne community members

- Mom lost son

- Drunk Driver

- Youth

- Ala-Anon - lost family

6 PM - Prepare & Native American Prayer

6:30 - A Lantern Lift Off- In Memory Of..

Presented by Wholistic Health & Wellness Program

For more information please contact Tammy @ 613-575-2341 ext. 3113


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