A Voice from the Eastern Door

Adventure Time

Monday my boys and I both had a real day off. That is a rare thing and we were determined about taking full advantage. After all it was our only time where we didn’t have any place to be except with each other. We made plans to meet family over at the Mcmaze farm outside of Cornwall, Ontario. We got to the farm right before they opened so in the time it took us to get our gear the gates were open.  The boys were all over the place. First it was all about the barn then it was off to the corn launcher. Once they ran out of corncobs to hurl we headed out to the sand pits. Little brother dug and worked for a good hour. He told me he wanted a pile of sand at home too. I asked him, a real one with the sides built. He told me, “No just have a dump truck drop off a pile!”

Once his little muscles got sore we headed to the corn maze.  We must have walked a couple miles in there. It was muddy, we had our farm shoes so it didn’t matter if we slipped and sloshed our way through. We got lost twice and the boys started running as if that would make us less lost. It was fun, watching them negotiate with each other about which way to go when coming to a T. Equally amusing was when we would walk for a few minutes without any other path than straight. They would talk to each other, “I think we are lost,” and “we’ve been walking long, let’s turn back.” When we made our way out the end of the corn maze little brother yelled, “we survived!” As if we’d been trapped in there for a week.

I followed them towards the pumpkin patch. We heard the horse drawn wagon heading our way. So we had a seat on some farm equipment to hitch a ride the rest of the way. Who was on that ride! My dad, my niece, sister and cousins! My boys laughed so hard and said, “You found us!” My boys got to pick pumpkins with their family and run all over the pumpkin patch searching for that perfect pumpkin. Little brother found three perfect little ones that he thought were so cute. Big brother found five and I had the honor of carrying them all. I used my jacket like a hobo bag. The boys spent a good part of our time at Mcmaze begging me for a goat, a pony, a piglet, a cow, a big pig, a kitten, and when hearing that farm was possibly going up for sale, the farm! I managed to distract them with the haunted trail walk and the farm playground for a while. Big brother spotted a scary house at the edge of the farms property and excitedly asked to walk to it. We did and the trek was about a half mile. The house was indeed spooky, decorated for Halloween nights. My kids were so brave venturing into it and dragging me along.

We ate lunch and roasted marshmallows for snack time. We did every little attraction twice before calling it a day. Well actually we didn’t call it a day, the farm was closing up for the night. On the ride home big brother cried about me not letting him buy a kitten and little brother slept. When we got home my legs were so sore I don’t know how many miles we walked, ran, and hiked but it was definitely a great adventure time. 


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