A Voice from the Eastern Door

Notice to the Community

This is to inform the community that the following persons have applied for Akwesasne Membership under the Akwesasne Membership Code.

Stanton Ingle, age 8, son of Mena Cook (Akwesasne) and Jason Ingle.

Kanenhawi Sunday-Cavender, age 3, daughter of Tesha Sunday (Akwesasne) and Austin Cavender (Onondaga).

Kariwiiostha Dupree, age 14, daughter of Alexandra Cook (Akwesasne) and Chrisopher Dupree (Onondaga).

Seanna Villeneuve, age 16, daughter of Malinda Ann Villeneuve (Probationary Akwesasne Member) and Marc Villeneuve, a non-Indian.

Aisha Delormier, age 18, daughter of Anthony Delormier (Akwesasne) and Kendra Skye (Six Nations).

Shayla Oakes, age 17, daughter of Damon Oakes (Akwesasne) and Carolynne Hatje Oakes, a non-Indian.

Eric, age 10, Annabelle, age 12, children of Meranda Mitchell (Akwesasne) and Brian Patterson. Also Nataliya, age 2 months and Kyler Mitchell, age 4, children of Meranda Mitchell (Akwesasne) and Joshua Sawyer, a non-Indian.

Paige, age 17, Carlie, age 14, Tessa, age 8, and Alysa Lafrance, age 13, children of Mitchell Marvin Lafrance (Akwesasne) and Joanna Lalonde Lafrance, a non-Indian.

Naylen Laffin-Stone, age 18, son of Babette Laffin-Sunday (Akwesasne) and Joseph Stone, a non-Indian.

Amber Cook, age 16, daughter of Charles Cook (Akwesasne) and Nova Leipsic, a non-Indian.

Keri, age 17, Tehahkeratons, age 12, Leah, age 20, and Brandon Shenandoah, age 27, children of Ramona Thompson Shenandoah (Akwesasne) and Jerome Shenandoah (Onondaga).

Diane (Terrance) Clench, age 54, daughter of Raymond and Joyce Terrance (Akwesasne).  She is applying for Membership in order to transfer back to Akwesasne.  She is currently registered with the Mohawks of the Bay Quinte (Tyendinaga).

The following persons have applied for renewal of their Residency Permits:

Gavin Papequash, age 24, registered with Oneida Nation of the Thames.

Taylor Cameron, age 28, registered with Shubenacadie First Nation, in Nova Scotia.

James Iserhoff, age 19, registered with the Moose Cree First Nation.

Community Members have until Friday, September 27, 2013 to indicate whether they wish to make submissions regarding the above individuals by contacting the Office of Vital Statistics.

At the Akwesasne Membership Board’s August 10 meeting, the Board granted full Akwesasne Membership to Amanda, Andrew, Alison Seymour and Brendan White.  The Board granted probationary membership to Alisha Deer.  The Board cancelled the Residency Permit applications of Stacey Huff and Kieler Lahache. The Akwesasne Membership Board granted a one year Residency Permit to Timothy Oakes and Robert Green.

Community members wishing to appeal the Membership Board’s decisions on the above applicants have 30 days to appeal to the Council of Elders by contacting the Office of Vital Statistics located at the Cornwall Island Administration Building #3, at (613) 575-2250 ext. 1011.


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