A Voice from the Eastern Door

Johanne Jackson

Johanne Jackson has been doing the flowers at the “Y” in Kanatakon for 17 years now. She has even expanded a bit and tends to the flowers in front of MCA Admin #1.

It all started with Alec Oakes who, along with Joe Jacobs, organized putting a memorial in front of the post office. Oakes asked Johanne if she would put some plants around the memorial to spruce it up a bit. That first year she planted two cedar trees and some annuals. The next year she added some flowers from her own yard, and after that it was history.

Johanne explained that everything seems to fall into place with that flower plot. MCA is gracious enough to donate money for the flowers, and others in the community have helped as well, donating various materials that have made the plot as beautiful as it is. Johanne said she is so grateful for generous people in the community that have helped with the flowers in some way or another.

Johanne does the flowers because she is so proud of where she lives, and wants others to be proud too. She said, “I enjoy doing it.” Recently Emily Tarbell told her how beautiful the flowers are, and how it’s so nice that it’s the first thing you see when you come into the village. That’s exactly what Johanne wants people to feel. Johanne said, “one comment like that makes it all worth it.”

Over the years, little by little it has expanded and now there are dozens of plants there along with several benches and lawn ornaments. Each plant is special to Johanne and we are glad she volunteers her time to make that spot beautiful. We salute you Johanne and thank you for your service.


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