A Voice from the Eastern Door
St. Regis Mohawk Senior Center
August 2nd-Loveday McDonald & Cecil Garrow
August 2nd Beverly Cook
August 4th Nancy Raville & Iona Castignier
August 5th Audrey McElwain & Val Garrow
August 6th Arvella Thomas
August 7th Gerald Ghostlaw
August 8th Ruth LaBar
Fri. Aug. 1st-closed; Mon. Aug. 5th Bingo 1:00; Tues. Aug. 6th Massage-9:00; Men’s Health-11:00, Walking Club-10:00, Shopping-1:00; Wed. Aug. 7th Quilt Challenge-10:00, Nutrition Bingo-11:15, Farmer’s Market Interest Trip-1:00, Quilt Challenge-6:30; Thurs. Aug. 8th Shopping-1:00, Legal Aid-1:30
Take Note: If you would like to attend the Seniorama Trip in Canton please sign up in the Club Office. The first 16 will be allowed to attend. To reserve your spot pay $10.00!
Reminder: the 5th Annual Senior Picnic will take place on August 16th; please sign up with what dish you will bring to share.
Thank you to Janice Brown for donating the large print crossword books.
Home for the Elderly
**Please refrain from wearing excessive scents when visiting, many of our residents are sensitive.
Bingo every Thursday at 7:00 call before 5:00 if you need a ride on the bingo bus.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Please remember to sign in and out every time you stop to visit, this helps with our government funding, plus assists in case of an emergency. RSVP your attendance to all of our events and inform the kitchen staff if you will be joining your family member for lunch or supper before 11:00am, so that the kitchen staff can make the proper adjustments. Thank You.
Teresa David, Activity Program Support
Volunteers are always welcome at Tsiionkwanonhso:te, for more information please call.
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