A Voice from the Eastern Door
Big data refers to sets of information that are so large and complex that it’s difficult or even impossible to process it with the older technology of database management tools and applications. Capturing, curating, storing, searching, sharing, and analyzing data is a challenge, and can be impossible when the size of the data is always moving and includes a few dozen terabytes or petabytes.
About 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day from mobile devices, remote sensors, software logs, microphones, cameras, rfid readers, and wireless sensors. This is interesting to note for anyone working on Endangered Language Revival projects because logging communications for the purpose of developing knowledgeable translators creates massive amounts of data that need to be analyzed and processed. Of course, after processing big data, the results can be managed with older relational databases.
Big data should be considered for a future that is able to support endangered language communications. Even in the year 2013, our mainstream communication systems (telephone, cellular, banking machines...) are not capable of supporting, or make it very difficult to support, Iroquoian dialects while communicating. Many Akwesasneron have experienced what happens to our community and people when it becomes difficult or impossible to communicate with our own language during our typical daily routines.
According to Toby Wolpe; editor at TechRepublic.com, a few things to consider when working with big data include:
1. Open source is not the only option for dealing with big data.
2. Big data does require the same approach as data processing and doing everything in batch.
3. Relational databases cannot process big data.
4. Big data has a steep learning curve, but it’s not difficult.
5. Big data is immature and lacks tools.
6. Big data is compatible with your BI platform and tools.
7. Finding skilled and experienced big data staff is difficult.
If you have any questions or comments about Internet technologies and computers, please send them to [email protected] and I’ll do my best to answer in future stories.
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