A Voice from the Eastern Door


They are planting here and there

1. Ronakiohkowá:nen They are a big group

2. Onkwehshón:’a People

3. Ronthentahseronniánions They are preparing their lawns

4. Ón:wa kakwitè:ne nikahá:wi Today spring time

5. Raotinonhsaktónkie Along near their house

6. Ratikwiraienthóhsere They are going to plant trees

7. Na’tekakwí:rake A variety of trees

8. Ratikwiraienthóhserons They are planting trees here and there

9. Ratinen’taienthóhsere They are going to plant fir trees

10. Ókia’ke Several

11. Ratitsi’tsiaienthóhsere They are going to plant flowers

12. Nia’tekatsì:tsiake A variety of flowers

13. Ratitsi’tsiaienthóhserons They are planting flowers here and there

14. Sénha More

15. Rotihehtowá:nens They have big gardens

16. Nia’té:kon Many things

17. Ratiienthóhserons They are planting here and there

18. Tekonttihánion Different

19. Ase’shón:’a Vegetables

20. Ratiienthóhsere They are going to plant

21. Ó:nenhste ratinenhstaienthóhsere They are going to plant corn

22. Onon’ónsera ratinon’onseraienthóhsere They are going to plant squash / cucumbers

23. Ohnenná:ta ratihnenna’taienthóhsere They are going to plant potatoes

24. Onenhakèn:ra ratinenhakenraienthóhsere They are going to plant white corn

25. Ohiakháhon ronhiaienthóhsere They are going to plant fruit (tomatoes)


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