A Voice from the Eastern Door

MMH Dialysis Center sponsors Kidney Early Evaluation Screening this Sunday

This program, Kidney Screening Program is a free health screening program offered by the National Kidney Foundation (NKF). The program will give “at risk” individuals of the North Country an opportunity to detect early kidney disease.

Massena, NY -- The National Kidney Foundation of Northeast New York and the Massena Memorial Hospital will be holding a free Kidney Screening at Massena Memorial Hospital’s Dialysis Center this Sunday, May 5, 2013 from 9:00am-12 noon. The program will give “at risk” individuals of the North Country an opportunity to detect early kidney disease.

Individuals who are 18 years and older with high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of kidney disease should attend the Kidney screening. The screening will provide participants with a comprehensive health risk appraisal, blood pressure measurement, blood and urine testing and the opportunity to discuss their health and review results with onsite clinician Dr. Khurram Mumtaz

“Twenty-six million adults in the United States have chronic kidney disease and millions more are at risk.  Most people are not aware that they have kidney disease or are at risk. Routine blood and urine tests can be useful in diagnosing kidney disease. The community has high prevalence of common causes of chronic kidney disease such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension and that makes this screening program initiative very useful and important for early detection of chronic kidney disease” said Dr. Khurram Mumtaz, MMH Nephrologist.

“We had great success in the fall with our first kidney screening and wanted to offer this screening program to the North Country community members again,” explained Darlena James, RN, Dialysis Center Director. “We want to get the word out early so people can make sure they have the day available to come for this free screening. Anyone with a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure are encouraged to participate.”

After the screening the National Kidney Foundation of Northeast New York will contact participants with their results, send the results to their clinicians with their permission, refer them to a clinician or public health facility, if needed, provide additional information, education and support, and invite participants back to attend a Kidney screening every year.


The goals of Kidney Screening are to:

• Raise awareness about kidney disease especially among “high risk” individuals

• Provide free testing for people at increased risk for kidney disease

• Encourage people “at risk” to visit a clinician and follow the treatment plan recommended

• Provide educational information so that “at risk” individuals can prevent or delay kidney damage

• Provide clinician referrals for follow-up care, if needed

• Provide ongoing information and support


You should attend the screening if you are 18 years or older and have one or more of the following:

• Diabetes

• High blood pressure

• A parent, brother or sister with diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney disease


One or more of these services will be provided to you at the screening:

• Blood pressure, height, weight and waist circumference measurements

• Blood and urine tests for signs of diabetes and kidney disease, including

· Blood glucose check blood sugar

· Hemoglobin check blood test for anemia

· Albumin to creatinine ratio (protein in urine)

· Serum creatinine (measures how well kidneys are filtering blood)

· Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (test for kidney function)

· Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides

· Some participants will also have their calcium, phosphorus, PTH and/or Hemoglobin A1c drawn

Test results are provided on site by a clinician. Free educational materials are also available.


The National Kidney Foundation of Northeast New York will:

• Contact you with your results

• With your permission, send your results to your clinician

• Refer you to a clinician or public health facility, if needed

• Provide additional information, education and support

• Invite you back to attend a Kidney screening every year

For more information, please call the Massena Memorial Hospital Dialysis Center at 705-0101.


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