A Voice from the Eastern Door

Local Youth Attend Seminar in Montreal, Quebec

Submitted by Nanci Ransom

Congratulations to our Youth representatives from Akwesasne who attended the Youth Covenant/Leadership Development last weekend in Montreal, Quebec. They were Quintana and Allie Hart, Cole Phillips, Ononewet Cook, and Celeste Phillips.

Along with the help of our many St. Regis parish members and Pastor Jerome Pastores, a series of workshops, seminars and summer camps have been made available to our youth. Nothing sparks a fire in the life of a parish quite like a thriving youth ministry program, and this has been made available through summer camps, weekend retreats and seminars.

On Wednesday, April 10th, we sat down with a couple of the youth, Quintana Hart and Cole Phillips who have attended many of these events provided by the parish. Quin and Cole talked about a recent seminar, the Youth Covenant/Leadership Development on Saturday, April 7th, held in Montreal. This was one of a three-part session that has been scheduled for our youth.

When ask how they heard of this event. Quin replied, “Father told my Aunt Debbie and asked if I was interested.” Cole mentioned that they needed someone familiar with the Four Directions Prayer and offered to attend. He mentioned that he would like to incorporate a youth council for our parish as well.

Was the seminar what you expected and what are some of the activities you participated in? Quin stated that it wasn’t what she expected and had fun playing games and singing. Cole said “yes and no” and mentioned that they played a few games and had some little seminars where they talked about Christ and the Covenant. “Singing was how they show their praise to God, and would like to do the same to get the youth involved. I think it’s important to have a council here for the youth so that they too can have their voice heard. The children are the future.”

Did you meet a lot of people? Both Quin and Cole stated yes they did and mentioned that some of the people there also met in a February session that Cole attended previously.

Have you been to other seminars or youth camps before through the parish? Both stated that they have attended other seminars in the past. Quin stated that she attended a program called One Direction. Cole said the best one he attended was a summer camp in 2011 for a week-long session at Camp Guggenheim through the help of Father Jack Downs. They participated in games, swimming, and met others from all over the county.

Have you shared your experiences with friends and family? Both Quin and Cole have shared their experiences with friends in school. Cole mentions that he at times gets criticized for being a Christian, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Cole laughed and mentioned that both family and friends think “it’s pretty neat” and keeps me out of trouble.

Would you attend more programs offered again? Quin: Yes, and we also received a certificate at the end of the seminar for our participation. Cole: Yes, they offer basic teachings on the Bible and respecting your family values. Both agreed it was very enjoyable to attend. Cole did state how fortunate he was to be able to attend the Canonization of St. Kateri in Rome, Italy with his grandmother Vicky Phillips.

Would you like to eventually host your own youth camps? Yes actually we are looking at plans for a June date and eventually have the establishment of a youth council with a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Besides Cole, there are other Altar Servers who have attended some of the seminars and who served during Holy Week. They are, Albert and Thomas Terrance, Bella Dejung, Nidia Dejung, Justin Dejung, Kaniiontonkwas and Konwanatison Lazore, Jenny Dejung, Nathan and Amanda Rourke.

Father Jerome stated that in honor of our youth, we have future plans to have a mass especially coordinated by our youth in the Parish and welcome more of our youth in the community to attend for future summer camps and seminars. A special thank you goes to Team Leaders, Shari Francis and Donna Arbor for attending the recent Covenant Orientation with the youth.


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