A Voice from the Eastern Door

Welcoming the Journey of the Nishiyuu to Ottawa

On a cloudy day on March 25, 2013 at the strike of noon, 301 young people walked onto Victoria Island to be met by nearly 2000 people standing there in awe witnessing the last steps of the Journey of the Nishiyuu. This journey was made to show support for Idle No More. They left Whapmagoostui, Quebec on January 16, 2013 and walked over one thousand five hundred miles on foot. They started out on snowshoes walking on remote trails on the 55th parallel and finally reached paved roads as they made their way south. They each carried a message that was delivered on the steps of Parliament Hill. As they walked, their message became clear, or it may have changed or they may have found the message along the way. They started out with a group of seven – the Original Seven – for which they will be known forever. They walked for nine and a half weeks and by the time they left Maniwaki they were 301 strong.

The idea came from David Kawapit, a young, energetic and polite teenager who is 17 years old and in all likelihood will take years to fully comprehend the feat he and his fellow walkers accomplished. He shared this idea with his friends and asked his friends to join him. He consulted with his grandfather and others who helped them prepare for their long journey. Many parents, aunts and uncles were supportive yet reluctant at the same time to let their son, daughter, niece or nephew, attempt such a journey. On the night they left their community of Whapmagoostui, the outside temperature was 54 degrees below zero.

The first part of their journey was the most difficult walking in sub-zero temperatures in incredibly remote areas; but however difficult it was, all seven finished this incredible journey. As they walked into more populated areas, their support and inner strength grew. They first stayed in wigwams – tents constructed of materials they carried or gathered from their campsite. Farther on in their journey they stayed in tents, camps and cabins.

When the Walkers entered the bridge onto Victoria Island, Ontario, they looked triumphant erasing 1500 miles of weariness and any doubts they had as who they are as individuals. Once on Victoria Island the meeting between the Walkers and their family members was emotional with many crying openly as Mothers and Fathers, Aunts and Uncles were reunited with their children. The Walkers were greeted and fed by family members, dignitaries, and Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal supporters from as far away as New Brunswick and British Columbia. From Victoria Island the Walkers and at least 2000 supporters then marched to the steps of Parliament Hill.

Here, the Original Seven spoke passionately, often bringing the crowd to tears. They spoke with confidence and strength rarely found in people so young. They offered their messages in peace and in good spirits. They often spoke in a shy voice about who they were and who they wanted to thank for their support on this journey. Many told very personal and intimate stories of why they walked and how it has changed their lives.

Here is the message of each of the Original Seven. As each Walker spoke, they did so in their own native Cree language.

David Kawapit, 18 years old

Young Kawapit wanted to call attention to Aboriginal Rights and the rights of the Aboriginal youth and youth everywhere. He said it is important to learn your language, your culture and your traditions. He spoke in a quiet voice on how it is time for everyone to take notice of our youth, “This is to show the youth have a voice. It is time for us to be shown the way to lead. Let us lead the way”.

Geordie Rupert, 21 years old

Rupert didn’t decide to join this group until he spoke with his grandmother. His grandmother thought this journey would help him and she gave her full support. Rupert had lost his brother and was still grieving for him when he set out on this journey. As he stood on the steps of Parliament you could feel the strength he had gained from this journey and how he had honored his brother in a way few of us can imagine. He said, “I thought I was the only one grieving but I found others who were grieving also.” He found taking on such a journey helped him heal and he wanted to thank everyone for their support within the group and from those he met along the way.

Stanley George Jr., 16 years old

Stanley had his father, Chief Stanley George Sr. at his side as he presented his message, “I want to stand united, in unity and strength. I also want to thank my Grandfather who is 84 years old.” He gave thanks to all who supported him along the way and to the thousands of supporters who stood there with him on Parliament Hill.

Travis George, 17 years old

“I want to thank my grandfather, who is the Keeper of the Original 7. I also want to thank everyone who supported me and our walk.” George’s grandfather is Isaac Wawapit, “The Wizard”, who is an accomplished hunter and guide who accompanied them on their journey.

Isaac Wawapit

Wawapit was the only adult among the seven. Unassuming, yet commanding in his quietness he thanked those who joined them along their journey. Any time spent with Wawapit and you knew immediately it was his knowledge of his grandfathers and grandmothers that he passed on to his young walkers that made this journey a success. He led without changing their direction and he allowed them to grow on their own from this experience. He was devoted, humble and strong, but with a strength that allows for change.

Raymond Kawapit, 18 years old

Young Kawapit gave thanks for all those who helped along this journey. He asked for unity and peace among all Aboriginal people. He asked all to respect Mother Earth and to learn your traditions and your language.

Abby Masty, 11 years old

Abby Masty had a dream and in this dream she was walking for all women. When she told her parents about this dream and asked for their permission, they had doubts about it. It was so far, she was so young and it was so cold. In the end her parents gave permission and prepared her for this journey. In her message, she asked everyone to help people when they need help. She gave thanks to her Elders and asked that all youth respect and learn from them. She saw this journey as one step in healing as a Nation. She gave thanks to all who supported her and to all who were present. Young Masty asked us to honor those sisters who have left us mysteriously and by violence. She asked us all to remember them and to remind us all, “We are sisters in spirit.”

There were many others who joined in this Journey and these are two of their stories.

Phillip Rupert

Rupert started in Missasmy, Que. He never thought how hard it would be but they faced each challenge together and this made them stronger. He said, “Love is the only way, we must make a stand, this must be allowed for in diplomacy. We can achieve this. This journey has allowed us to believe in ourselves.” He thought he was alone and this journey has proven there are many who go through the same things he does. He is grateful for the tremendous support they received. He said, “This has been so tough, we are equal, brothers and sisters in unity.”

Shana Whistley

Whistley was overcome by emotion as she spoke and she had to stop and gather herself before she could continue. She wanted to acknowledge the struggles the youth have. She shared, “There are ones in need. I wanted to take my own life. I wouldn’t want that for anyone. Now I know our youth can accomplish anything – no matter what. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone. Don’t hide your emotions. Talk to someone, a friend, an aunt or uncle, a parent, let someone know. I thought I was no one when I started this journey. Now I know I am someone special.”

Steve Papatie (Algonquin Nation)

Papatie spoke with such passion and resonance in his voice. He gave his speech in three languages; his native Algonquin, French and then English. He said there is one thing wrong, “We have met with them from the time they arrived and have given them respect. They do not give us respect and we must teach them respect now. We will show you how this is done with these basic principles; love, caring, sharing and respect. We must stop giving power to them; we must use our power for ourselves. We are prepared to show you how to do this.” In the end his message was clear, with his mother standing beside for emotional support he said, “You must love yourself, love your Mom.”

Six teenagers left their home in temperatures that are difficult for most of us to comprehend and arrived in Ottawa, heroes among us all. They shared their trials and their triumphs and showed us all how we can accomplish what we set out to do.

On a personal note; I heard one young man telling the crowd how we must teach “respect” to the non-Aboriginal people in political office, “We have met with them from the time they arrived and have given them respect. They do not give us respect and we must teach them respect now.” Sometimes you can see something and not remember where you have seen it, or hear something and not remember where you have heard it, but you remember the sight or sound nonetheless. I will never forget those words.

I don’t remember being so moved; how young they are, how long they walked, how cold it was, how they thought of this themselves and that they did it. It was an honor to be there and an honor to talk to them and to shake their hands. It was an honor just to be in their presence. We need to acknowledge the youth and their struggles, their passion, their success and be there when they fail. We need to acknowledge who they are as individuals. Most of all we need to remember they are ours; the youth of Akwesasne. And many of them walk one thousand five hundred miles each day.


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