Dear Monica, Can I use my old smart phone as a security camera? I want to keep an eye on our garage. Nia:wen, I Spy
Dear I Spy, You can setup most any old Android phone as a security camera. You will need your charging cable, a copy of IP Webcam for streaming video, SECuRET SpyCam for motion activated video captures and alerts, and your own home Wi-Fi network that reaches your garage. You can find the mobile apps in the Google Play store.
Do a Factory Reset on your old Android phone before you install the mobile apps from the Google Play store. You can find detailed instructions with photographs by searching for “turn android phone into security camera” at the website. This project might work well for video taping local language classes and streaming it live to Google+ hangouts. The Google+ hangouts also archive the videos onto YouTube and many of my Onkwehonwe friends learn Kanien’keha from their favorite fluent speakers and teachers on YouTube videos.
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