A Voice from the Eastern Door

Notice of Community Consultation Meetings on the proposed draft Akwesasne Matrimonial Property Law entitled: Iatathrona Raotiientahtsera (Couples Property)

District of Kanatakon

• St. Regis Recreation April 8 2013 (Monday) 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

District of Kawehnoke

• Tri District Elders April 11 2013 (Thursday) 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.

District of Tsi Snaihne:

• Iohahiio April 13 2013 (Saturday) 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Light refreshments served.

Copies will be available at all meetings.

The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne hereby gives notice of Community Consultation Meetings for the proposed draft Iatathrona Raotiientahtsera (Couples Property/Akwesasne Matrimonial Property Law).

The Working Task Group on the development of an Akwesasne Matrimonial Property Law has completed a proposed draft Iatathrona Raotiientahtsera (Couples Property). The proposed draft was accepted-in-principle at the March 6, 2013 General Meeting by Mohawk Council Resolution.

The proposed draft law will now proceed to Phase III of the Law Enactment Procedural Regulations.

The Akwesasne Justice Department has mailed a copy of the proposed draft Akwesasne Matrimonial Property Law to every household. If you have not received a copy in your mailbox, you can request a personal copy of the draft law to be mailed to you, personally. Contact the Akwesasne Justice Department at 613 575 2250 x 2400 with the relevant mailing address so a copy can be delivered to you.

The Akwesasne Matrimonial Property Law follows the process as outlined in the Law Enactment Procedural Regulation, passed by MCR 2012/13-#061 (May 22, 2012).

Following the review period for the proposed changes, a series of three focus meetings (Community Consultation meetings) will be held: one in each district of Akwesasne. These meetings will provide community members the opportunity to ask questions of Council and the Working Task Group on the proposed draft law, as well as giving the community the opportunity to provide comments and suggestions.

The sessions will be recorded and the comments will be given to Mohawk Council of Akwesasne for consideration. The Working Task Group will have twenty days to incorporate any recommendations by Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. The draft changes will be reviewed by Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Legal Advisor. Once complete, the changes will be presented to Council for adoption and/or for further revisions.

If the Council accepts the revisions/recommendations, a Mohawk Council Resolution will be passed to accept the revised proposed law, in principle. Once accepted, a date will be set for a vote by secret ballot at a Special General Meeting or sent to a vote by referendum.

The dates of ratification vote must be posted at least thirty days, in advance. A full text of the proposed law will be published in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

In order for the law to be passed, there must be at least twenty-five (25) eligible voters present, as well as a quorum of Council, at the ratification vote.

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Please check your mailboxes for the proposed draft of the Akwesasne Matrimonial Property Law. If you have not received a copy, please let us know and one will be mailed to you.

Residents are asked to review the proposed draft law. As well, copies of the draft document will be available at Mohawk Council of Akwesasne public buildings:

• In Kanatakon:

Admin 1 (Administration)

Admin 2 (MCA Government building)

Angus Mitchell Memorial Building (Akwesasne Justice Department)

Kanonhkwa’tsheri:io (Medical and Social Services building)

• In Tsi Snaihne:

Iohahiio (Adult Learning Centre)

• In Kawehnoke:

CIA 3 (Administration buildings)

Peacetree Mall (Bank of Montreal)

For more information, contact Joyce King, Director, Akwesasne Justice Department, at 613-575-2250 Ext. 2404


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