A Voice from the Eastern Door

Ka’wáhse? Where are you going?

1. Wa’tkathonwenhtá:ne I am going sliding

2. Owisà:ke wa’tkatsihkwa’ékhe I am going play hockey

3. Wa’tkata’aranón:ne I am going guard the net

4. Tehontshihkwá:’eks wa’katerohrókhe I am going watch them play hockey

5. Wa’tkato’tsinehtsherontá:ne I am going skating

6. Owisà:ke wa’tkahthenno’ókhe Can I play ball on the ice

7. Owisà:ke wa’tkahrio’kawinéhsere I am going ice fishing

8. Ó:niehte wa’kia’tonnihserón:ne I am going make a snowman

9. Ó:niehte wa’kenennio’konní:ne I am going make a snowball

10. Wa’tkeniehtohtahrhóhsere I am going shovel snow

11. Wa’tkeniehtenhtá:ne I am going remove snow

12. Wa’tkathwen’karontá:ne I am going snow shoeing

13. Wa’tkakianentá:ne I am going skiing

14. Aterawénhta wa’katswatá:ne I am going play snowsnake

15. Otsienhákta wa’katakia’tarihatá:ne I am going warm myself near the fire

16. Wa’katsheronnianión:ne I am going to get dressed

17. Wa’tkathahsterén’khe ne akohsera’kéhkha akwatháhsteren

I am going to put on my snow pants

18. Wa’kakia’tawi’tá:ne akohsera’kéhkha akwakià:tawi

I am going to put on my winter coat

19. Wa’tkarahtá:ne ne akohsera’kéhkha teiohsaráhkwes akwáhta

I am going to put on my winter tall boots

20. Wa’kanonhwarorókhe I am going to put on my hat

21. Wa’tka’nianawénkhe I am going to put on my mittens

22. Iontenia’taraniákstha wa’katstá:ne I am going to put on my scarf

23. Wa’katsheronniahsiónhe I am going to get undressed

24. Wa’kkóhe I am going get it

25. Ó:ia wa’katsheronniakóhe I am going get other clothes

26. Átste wa’katswa’tà:ne I am going play outside

27. Wa’kathahita’à:ne I am going to walk

28. Wa’kitskóta’ne I am going to sit

29. Wa’katorishénhe I am going to rest

30. Wa’kekhonniá:ne I am going to cook

31. Wa’tkatska’hón:ne I am going to eat

32. Wa’kenatà:re I am going to visit


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