To the Editor,
This will be my last letter regarding the issue with the house. The people that matter know the truth but I have to address a few issues in Mr. White’s last letter.
The so-called “will” (written on a bar napkin, in a bar, when all the participants were drinking heavily) was not discovered until the spring of 2012, Muzz passed away in December of 2010. No deed was issued to the White’s until this time. After the deed was issued in April of 2012, I did not receive any eviction notices.
I would also like to point out that when a land dispute claim was filed when I was ejected from the house, the Tribal Clerk informed the claimants that the property had been sold and they were just awaiting signatures from Tribal Council on the new deed. In fact the notice had to be served on both the White’s and the new owner. The buyer since then has backed out of the deal.
I remain respectfully yours,
Bonnie McDonald
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