A Voice from the Eastern Door

Idle No More National Day of Action: January 28th March on Parliament

On Monday, January 28, Ottawa saw a march of people united in solidarity. Supporters of the Idle No More movement that has seen support worldwide, gathered at Victoria Island to march on Parliament on the first day that MP’s returned to the House of Commons in the New Year. The rally began in the same way as the previous marches, both starting and ending by crossing the portage bridge from Victoria Island. Continuing up Wellington, Mondays march had a quicker cadence than previous events, nearly continuously marching, with only a few shorter stops. Around Bank Street, a crowd of Jingle dress dancers greeted and joined the march. The now larger crowd then continued onto Parliament Hill, where they approached the Parliament steps in what has become the default stage for speakers and supporters.

Following the opening by an Algonquin elder, speakers from various reserves throughout Canada, including Gilbert Whiteduck of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, offered a quote from famous pacifist Mahatma Ghandi. Idle No More founders Nina Wilson and Jessica Gordon also found their way to the stage and encouraged solidarity among the many Native, and Non-Native people gathered together. Wilson cited the youth as a main reason for her involvement in the movement, and said “Thank you for being idle no more.”

Speakers continued on for the afternoon, and with the permit to demonstrate expiring at 4pm, people made their way back to Victoria Island, and the peaceful event ended successfully.


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