The wampum discussion group at the Akwesasne Cultural Center is a time for
informal conversation about our knowledge of wampum and related subjects
integral to our understandings of culture and history. We are still using
Victoria Weaver’s dissertation “Wampum as Social Practice” as the starting
point of discussion for the next few meetings. It can be found on-line at
Penn State’s dissertation webpage, or contact the Akwesasne Museum at 358-2461 to get a copy.
February 6th, from 6 to 8pm, we will discuss only the first part of her
dissertation, up to page 68.
February 20th, from 6 to 8pm, we will discuss the interviews, pg’s 68 - 106.
March 6th, from 6 to 8pm, we will discuss the conclusion, pg’s 106 - 132.
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