A Voice from the Eastern Door

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

I’m writing this letter regarding the deer hunters locally and in the surrounding areas. It thoroughly disgusts me how hunters think that Beaver Meadow is the established dumping site for deer carcasses.

Hunters will spend countless hours day and night to kill as many deer as possible. They have heavy duty 4x4 trucks, four wheelers and bright spot lights so they can jack deer all night long. If this is what they choose to do, it’s entirely up to them, don’t get me wrong, if you eat that much venison I don’t care.

My issue is that they take it upon themselves to dump all the remains in the ditches of Beaver Meadow Road. Why not use their same vehicles and drive the remains deep into the woods where other wildlife will eat them, and so goes the cycle of life.

I live on Beaver Meadow Road and have for many years. I have a pet dog like many other residents on this road. My dog is house broken, so she stays inside and only goes outside to go to the bathroom. She’s drawn to the stench of rotting deer carcasses in the ditches and does only what is natural. She runs, digs at it, drags pieces back to the porch and will try to eat them. They’re rotten, stink, and make her sick during the night.

I’m fed up with this problem and it wouldn’t exist if hunters would just find other means of disposal of deer carcasses. Don’t be so lazy and just dump them on the roadside. If you can’t be a real hunter, give it up.

Please!! Stop dumping these nasty and rancid remains on our roads!

Desiree White


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