A Voice from the Eastern Door

January – The Beginning of a New Year

January is a great time to take a look at the past year and see what you would like to do better. And as much as we are all for saving money, let’s face it, doing things in a new way or different way that can save us time is even better. Then we have time for the things that really count- our family and friends.

There are only 24 hours in a day, and many times it doesn’t seem like 24 hours is enough. Ok, it never seems like it’s enough. Actually we don’t need more time in the day; we need to spend our time wisely. You can learn to be more efficient with your time so you can do what you really want. Here are a few tips to follow, and once you become more efficient with your time, ideas will pop in your head

WATCH TELEVISION ON THE WEB – With today’s technology you can watch any TV show, series, movie, or special by simply taping it or viewing it ONLINE, at any time, at your own convenience. With the quality of TV shows, series and specials you don’t have to miss a thing. Almost all entertainment channels like NBC, CNN, HBO, FOX, and more let you watch your favorite TV shows online. While most are free, you can also use websites such as Hulu that offers on-demand streaming video of TV shows, movies, and news media from major networks and studios for free but for a more personalized service you’ll need to purchase a subscription of $7.95 a month. More of Honey Boo Boo? I don’t think so, but watching on your own time cuts the show by at least 20 minutes by skipping over commercials.

SLEEP MORE – If this seems like an oxymoron – it is. The more rested you are, the more productive and alert you are. And according to research, getting enough sleep each night can also help you lose weight and keep you happy. Each person needs a different amount of sleep, so while your friend can get by on 6, you may need 8 hours of sleep. You can also learn to take power naps to have more energy throughout the day. Although you may lose some time from napping, you will be able to work more efficiently, which will give you more time. A few large companies have built an area for power naps. A power nap is no longer than 20 minutes, any longer and the nap interrupts your natural sleep cycle.

EAT HEALTHY MEALS – changing your diet maybe hard at first, but eating balanced meals will affect how you do your daily tasks. Loading each meal with veggies and lean protein can give you more energy. And the more energy you have, the more productive you can be. There is a lot to be said about eating healthy and you can gather all kinds of information from the magazine on your coffee table to your local nutritionist. The more knowledge you have on healthy eating, the better decisions you can make. Generally, try to stay away from carbohydrate heavy meals; carbs are for long term and heavy carbs such as bread, pasta, etc tend to weigh you down in more ways than you think.

DO LESS WORK – a lot of the things you do on a daily basis don’t need to be done. Think about your daily routine and cut out anything that isn’t essential. You will be surprised on how much time you are wasting. Cleaning as you go saves time in the long run. Write down the most important things you want to do today. Be practical.


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