This is an invitation to the community who has estate or land issues and are seeking resolution.
The estate of Matthew Elmer White has never been a question of the true owners, but the question of how a Certificate of Possession (CP) can be issued to another party with no merit. To repeat what our family has stated before in Indian Time, we will prove the fraudulent documents that were filled out. It’s very important to our future generations that no registry department shall ever attempt to make any kind of transfer without the involvement of everyone concerned…especially the family.
We have been in contact with the media, in particular Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) for their assistance to expose this horrific issue. APTN attempted to speak with Indian Affairs’ Brantford Registry Department personnel, however, they avoided them.
The people involved in these so called registry offices on Cornwall Island and Brantford are making ministerial decisions, even when they are wrong, and just because you’re an Indian they refer you to take it to some kind of court. And as a family, we are here to tell you that there is not one court in Canada that produces any justice for an Indian. The judges and lawyers are learning about the Indian Act at your expense. The Indian Act is nothing more than legislation to eliminate, discriminate and destroy any culture. We will prove to the community how the MCA lawyer and an Area Management Board employee meddled and knew how the Indian Act could be used to try to destroy our customary and our traditional beliefs.
There are many unresolved land disputes in Akwesasne. It’s been brought to MCA’s attention, since so many mistakes started in-house, on how to resolve these disputes. We get the same answer, “any dispute is between the families and Canada.” THAT’S NOT TRUE. The land disputes are up to us as a people to solve. Never mind the Indian Act, MCA, any lawyers or any judges to make decisions concerning the land in which we live. It’s up to us to decide! This is our territory!
It’s deplorable to think that this so called leadership of MCA would not have respectability or accountability to the people of a community. As long as their pockets are lined, why should they care? They only represent themselves.
The Minister of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs in Ottawa, John Duncan, has been emailed on these concerns.
“IDLE NO MORE – In house” is a beginning for us to resolve our own problems. We can do this by inviting people together in community discussions without any interference from the outside or MCA. It’s time for us to STAND UP! If we continue to be deprived of our fundamental rights to enjoy our customary beliefs to make decisions as a family, these land disputes will be handed down to our next generation. And if we allow illegal CP’s to be issued without proper consultation, the vicious cycle will continue.
On January 19, 2013, at 2:00 pm, at the Kawehnoke Community Center, the White family is inviting the Akwesasne community to this gathering and they will share additional information and actual documents that have been falsely fabricated and used to steal Matthew Elmer White’s estate, including all of his land. His family demands that the estate and land, according to his wishes, remain in the White family without interference.
Signed: Robert White, Nelson David White, Carl White and Harold White
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