A Voice from the Eastern Door

Idle No More Protest on Parliament Steps

On Friday, December 21, 2012 members of First Nations from throughout North America descended on Parliament to show their support for Attawapiskat Cree Chief Theresa Spence, and disagreement with Bill C-45 through demonstration. Spence has been on a hunger strike since December 11, 2012 and will hold out until Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets with First Nations leaders in accordance with promises made to include First Nations in consultation; especially in the case of Bill C-45, which affects many sovereign rights of First Nations people, and threatens to jeopardize environmental protections that are central to their continued way of life. The issue came to the fore when Bill C-45 was passed with little or no consultation with First Nations people who were directly impacted by provisions within the budget bill.

Friday’s Idle No More protest began on Victoria Island and continued all the way to the front steps of Parliament, a total of 1.2 km. Ahead of the marchers arriving from Victoria Island, many people had gathered at Parliament to await their arrival. The RCMP closed roads along the route through downtown Ottawa that the march followed to protect the safety of those marching. When the crowd, which the Ottawa Sun estimated at over 2,000 people, arrived at Parliament, it filled the promenade leading up to the stairs of the Parliament building. Many people carried flags representing their nations and affiliations, while others carried signs such as “Don’t Pave Paradise, Invest in Sustainability” and “1 Million Strong, #idlenomore”.

Once the crowd gathered, flag carriers were allowed to move to the top of the stairs, while people from many different backgrounds spoke about what Chief Spence’s struggle has meant to them, and to the larger issues at hand.


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