A Voice from the Eastern Door
Akwesasne has a great reputation for helping out a family member, a friend, a neighbor, or one of their own. But most often when someone needs support, an Akwesasronon will help someone they have never even meet. And this past weekend proved no different. The Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club hosted a chicken barbecue for Joseph Cross of Kawehnoke, the son of Anne Marie Cross. Joseph is currently in Ottawa Children’s Hospital of Ontario being treated for an inoperable brain cancer. Board members, staff, former staff and people who have never met Joseph came to help on Friday, November 7, 2012. The Hogansburg-Akwesasne Firemen of Snye volunteered their time transporting the chicken to the club ready to be served. Brandon David of Akwesasne Child and Family Services, Robert White of Akwesasne Family Wellness Program, Everett Lazore of Big E’s and PJ Burns of the St. Regis Mohawk Police, barbecued chicken on the club’s grounds, filling the club with its distinctive aroma. Over 200 dinners were sold before 10 am. Besides the chicken barbecue, the ABGC held a 50-50 raffle. The Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to all who helped out on Friday.
Joseph will be returning back to his home on the Island just before he leaves for Florida. The Ontario Make a Wish Foundation granted Joseph’s wish to visit Disneyland. Joseph and his family will be leaving this Friday. We wish Joseph and his family the best during his visit to Florida.
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