A Voice from the Eastern Door

“Response” (to Letter to Editor in last week’s paper)

Nov 8, 2012

“Response” (to Letter to Editor in last week’s paper)

People of Akwesasne stand strong and be proud of who you are! Many times in our history we have faced the pressure of uncertainty. Look at what we can accomplish as a united force. What I tell you is what you already know. CBSA wanted guns. We said “NO!” in one strong voice. Cornwall Island has now been rid of such an insult.

Our government is made up of people we all know. They are not just the leaders that we have voted for but are also leaders that are our “Family”. Some of them are Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, and Cousins to us all.

When “OUR FAMILY” is being attacked we come together to defend “OUR FAMILY”!

My sweet and beautiful people of Akwesasne we are being attacked and being insulted! A troublemaker is among us. Poisoning the minds of our people. Rotting away the brain of her husband, who was once a great leader! Donna Benedict (Kosinski) is the white “Polish” woman who Lloyd Benedict married and brought here to live in Akwesasne.

In her letter she attacks the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. This is a direct attack aimed at the families of Akwesasne. She refers to us as “Indians are like a bucket full of crabs, every time one almost succeeds another one pulls him back to the bottom of the bucket”. Is this what she thinks we are? “CRABS IN A BUCKET”. This is insulting, racist, and demeaning to all the people of Akwesasne.

Good friends, sweet friends don’t let me stir you up to take action. I am just a plain blunt man who loves his nation. I am no great speaker and I do not have the power to put fire into your hearts: I only speak right on. I am only telling you something that you yourselves know already. When a person marries one of us and has the privilege of living here on our territory, she has the responsibility to be respectful and honest towards our family. And if she is allowed to continuously attack our family while living here on Cornwall Island, what kind of message does this send to others? Those that would love to see us divide and destroy each other releasing the dogs of war.

She will sit there with a ruthless smile as our families are quartered by the hands of war. Hear me now with patience great and powerful people of Akwesasne. Why must we listen to a non-native’s personal grievance? What right does she have to speak on our behalf? What entitlement does she have to live on our lands? Stand firm do not let this worm infect you with her bad medicine. Destroying the peace that our families worked so hard to build. Who has the “POWER”? The “PEOPLE” have the “POWER”! Who are the “PEOPLE”! The “PEOPLE” are “US”! To a united Akwesasne! One people, one nation, one government, one powerful family.

Respectfully Yours,

Tsistiakara of the Wolf clan, Mohawks of Akwesasne


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