On Tuesday, the Tarbell Management Group presented a check to the Akwesasne Cancer Support Group from monies they raised on and around Pink Out Day. Pink Out Day was October 27th 2012 and meant to raise awareness for breast cancer. There were cancer survivors on site to support the cause and all Bears Den stores participated in some way. The donation was raised from: pink donut sales, 630 sold, from Tim Horton’s from Oct. 26-29, pink ribbon sales--about 1,000 sold, Bears Den C-Stores donated $.05 of every reg. unleaded gallon and Papa Johns donated all breadstick sales sold on Pink Out Day. The donation totaled $2,623.64 for the Akwesasne Cancer Support Group.
Eli Tarbell said, “we have a great team that put together a great event and we are glad to help wherever we can.” Tammy Donovan, TMG Management, expressed the satisfaction of being involved in such an event saying, “We are pleased to be a part of it.” Edith Adams and Lorraine George received the check on behalf of the ACSG and said, “We appreciate the donation very much and many people will benefit from it.”
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