On Friday November 16th, SRMT Environment Department’s Solid Waste Management Program will be holding an event to celebrate and raise awareness of National Recycling Day. This will be the Solid Waste Management Department’s first Recycling Day, and the event will run from 10am-2pm. There will be information and displays on what the program does, like the waste lamp and e-waste initiatives. You can bring down that old TV with you on Friday and have it disposed of.
The event will showcase all the services the program offers. There will also be prizes given away like a very smart recycling bag set from Gaiam, magnets, pins, a jar opener and pencils. Staff will be on hand to answer questions.
In addition to the waste lamp and e-waste programs, you can also bring down your used batteries and there is no appointment needed. The program also operates the recycling depot located next to the police station in Hogansburg. The three blue containers are for recycling plastics with the numbers 1-6 on the bottom, papers and cardboard, and metals. There is absolutely no trash to be left there and trash found is sorted and the details are reported to the Compliance Office. There are also cameras watching the area to curtail illegal dumping.
The Environment Department even recycles within the department. Taking things that have been discarded and if usable seeing them brought in and put to use, such as discarded computer monitors and hardware, office chairs, furniture and the like.
This will also be Dallas Caldwell and Nolan Jacob’s first public appearance as the new Tiio and Kwis; SRMT Environment’s spokes-characters come to life.
Some interesting information to note: To recycle 1 million laptops saves the energy equivalent to power 3,657 homes for a year. One metric ton of circuit boards contains more precious metal than the equivalent amount in raw ore. Akwesasne has recycled 12 tons of e-waste since the program started in April.
Come on out to the Transfer Station Friday November 16 from 10am-2pm, get some information and maybe win a prize. The transfer station is located at 179 County Route 43, which is right near where Drum St. meets 179.
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