A Voice from the Eastern Door

Six Nations Peace Belt

It is provided thus: It shall be the duty of all of the chiefs of The Great Law of Peace or the Longhouse People from time to time, as occasion demands, to act as teachers and spiritual guides of their people and remind them of their Creator’s will and words. They shall say,

“Listen, that peace may continue unto future days!

Always listen to the words of the Great Creator, for he has spoken.

United People, let not evil find lodging in your minds, For the Great Creator has spoken and the cause of peace shall not become old. The cause of peace shall not die if you remember the Great Creator. “

It is provided thus: When a member of an alien nation comes to the territory of the Great Peace League and seeks refuge and permanent residence, the statesmen of the nation to which he comes shall extend hospitality and make him a member of the nation. Then shall he be accorded equal rights and privileges in all matters as long as he obeys the laws of the Great Peace.

This belt is a peace belt, and the white wampum in the belt stands for peace. The six diamonds woven into the belt stand for the territory and council fires of the Six Nations: the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Tuscaroras, and Senecas.


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