A Voice from the Eastern Door
Breast Cancer is a cancer that starts in the cells of the breast tissue. Each breast is made up of glands, ducts, and fatty tissue. Lobules are also within each breast and are groups of glands that produce milk. Cancer cells may start within the ducts (ductal carcinoma) or in the lobules (lobular carcinoma).
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Painless lump in the breast or armpit area
Change in the size or shape of a breast
Dimpling or thickening of the skin of the breast
Changes to the nipple (turning inwards, or a rash around the nipple)
Diagnosing Breast Cancer
Clinical Breast Examination
Biopsy-definite diagnosis, cells are removed from the body and examined under a microscope
Imaging studies- x rays, ultrasound, CT scan
Laboratory tests- blood test, hormone receptor test
Treatments for Breast Cancer
Surgery- lumpectomy (lump is removed) or mastectomy(whole breast is removed)
Radiation therapy
Hormonal therapy
Preventing Breast Cancer
Perform self-breast examinations to notice any changes earlier
Have a mammogram every 2 years if you are between the ages 50 and 69
Eat healthy
Be Active
Do not smoke
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