A Voice from the Eastern Door


As I’ve written before, I took little brother out of daycare back in April and had spent most of the time keeping him busy and happy. We had a few one-on-one months while big brother finished up school. The summer was a juggle of playmates, sleepovers, and lots of trips to playgrounds. As the school year approached I was looking forward to a few hours to myself. I enjoy my children but it’s been a while. I thought maybe I’d finally get to read those last ten chapters of the book I’ve dragged to all those playground trips. Or maybe I’d get to update my wardrobe. The last three years have been a little on the hopeless side. Trying to find my size while the boys play hide in the clothing racks and knock stuff over. I always leave without ever making it to the dressing room! I thought for sure, without the brothers there to grab the attention of every sales associate, it would be magical. Even if all I managed to grab was one pair of jeans to try on in the dressing room. I planned on eating somewhere sitting down. A meal I didn’t cook and not having to cut up anyone’s food, pick up silverware or wash the dishes afterwards. I expected the first week of school to be a harried rush of first day jitters and adapting to new routines. What I didn’t expect was the month to be totally consumed by illness and bugs. Well I haven’t gotten that day to myself just yet.

A few days before the first day of school little brother’s pediatrician diagnosed him with bronchitis. Big brother caught strep throat from school and got sent home the first week. He stayed home a few days. He was all better after ten days on antibiotics. That’s when little brother came down with a hacking cough and high fever. He missed school. Last week, a few days after Big Brother had finished his antibiotics, he had strep throat again. The school nurse sent him home after it being confirmed for a second time in two weeks. He was so sad. He just wanted to go to school and socialize, he’d had enough of being home with mom. After forty-eight hours of antibiotics he was allowed back to school just in time for little brother to be coming down with the flu and give it to me. We were feeling pretty awful. That’s when I felt it. I was getting strep throat too. I dragged little brother to my doctor appointment to get him looked at. We added ear infection to our list of ailments. I was grateful I got in to see the doctor Friday and managed to get it confirmed and start my own medicine. Nothing worse than it being Friday night and not only being ill, but having little ones who are suffering. After a day I felt a lot better. Little brother looked and seemed all better by Saturday morning. He woke up his usual little ball of energy self and was jumping on my bed by seven in the morning. I was sure little brother would be ready to go back to school Monday. He was, but there was no school Monday! I realized its already the first week of October and I still haven’t gotten my me time. What I have gotten is strep throat, a sinus infection, the flu, and an ear infection. At least I managed to keep the kids from sharing the germs with each other!  So the question remains and the wait continues. Will I ever get those five hours I was counting on to take five? 


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