A Voice from the Eastern Door



From: Wally & Alexia Mitchell, Patti, Wilson & family, Leighann, Paul & family, and Raun Mitchell

To: Char’s caregivers: Vanessa, Sandy, Laurie, Betty, Connie, Loretta, and Clarissa. Hospice of the North Country (Malone), Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Outreach Nurses, friends that gave monetary and food donations, Mohawk Bingo Palace workers, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, The Akwesasne Cancer Support Group, George & Edith Adams, Father Jerome, Beatrice Lazore, Sister Christine, and all those that came and prayed with and for Charlene. Hope Lodge Staff in Burlington, VT., Fletcher Allen Hospital Nurses and Drs. Nurse Jessica for her talks with Alexia, Laurie and Randy for the 9 nights of prayers at your house, Connie Thompson for the birthday and first anniversary masses for Char. Dave Mainville, and Brass Horse Lounge for all their generous donations of food.

Scott McDonald, Morris Oakes, and the cooks at CedarView Golf Course for the traditional meal.

Donaldson’s Funeral Home; Chad Green (owner) Bruce Bombard, Jane Tarbell, for their utmost professionalism & compassion in our time of need.

Thank you all for being there for our Tota Char, we cannot thank everyone enough. If we forgot to mention your name, please forgive us. We love you all.

Remember (Cancer Sucks) signed Charlene M. Cole, 6-19-57 to 8-8-2012

Good-bye Tota Char, sadly missed and never to be forgotten by Alexia and Grandpa.


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