The labor trades as well as some local businesses and city services all marched down Main Street in Massena, Monday morning for Labor Day. The parade was to show support for labor and display the pride that union members feel. There were Ironworkers Local #440 from Akwesasne, as well as Steelworkers Union Local #420A, Several International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Locals, and many other local and regional unions in the parade. The Shriners from both the American and Canadian side had their little cars, trucks and bikes in the parade. Frenchie’s Chevrolet had a few vehicles in the parade as well. The Teamsters, AFL-CIO, CSEA, Operating Engineers, Laborer, and American Federation of Government Employees all had a presence within the parade. Following the parade, everyone in the parade was invited to Springs Park where a barbeque was held and everyone celebrated the beautiful day.
Robert Cole, Business Manager for Ironworkers Local #440, was on hand and explained what they were there for that day. “More or less, all the locals get together, the union trades, and just enjoy the afternoon. Ours is at the same time thanking the community for their support at our picket line at Alcoa, and at the same time encouraging the other trades to come join us on the line,” said Cole. When asked if they were still picketing, Cole replied, “Oh yes, we will be there tomorrow morning.”
Cole is referring to the strike, taking place at the Alcoa plant in Massena. The reason for the strike is that labor was brought in from out of state, and some rumor is that it may have possibly been brought in from out of country. The issue is that there are at least 140 guys that Cole has available to man the job right now. Cole noted that there could even be a situation where the men brought in from out of state/country are being paid substandard wages as well.
When asked if he has had any talks with the other unions Cole responded, “Oh yes, we are always in talks with the other building trades, I even belong to the building trades of Northern New York. The president was down Friday and he talked to management and offered them a project labor agreement -Which says that any company that gets hired, has to hire local labor, and we’ll see where they go from there. From what I understand, the building trades should be helping us out this coming week.”
When Cole found out the job was going non-union he contacted all the politicians in the area, all of whom have been supportive. “Congressman Bill Owens is aware of the situation, and he tells me to keep him informed and he is behind us 100%,” Cole said. According to Cole, Owens has added pressure and sent letters stating he was dissatisfied with the actions of management. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and even the Governors office are aware of the situation.
Finally Cole added, “It’s just a gorgeous day, and everybody can just enjoy themselves, and tomorrow it will start all over again.”
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