A Voice from the Eastern Door
30. Tsiki’nhontstókhi rati’nikòn:rare ne kaienthóhseraks
Ants guard the aphids
31. Tsiki’nhontstóki kón:neks ne óhses ne kaienthóhseraks ión:ni
Ants eat the syrup the aphids produce
32. Tsiki’nhontstókhi enioká:ri ne iako’nowakéhte
Ants will bite the ladybugs
33. Tsiki’nhontstókhi enkonwatihseréhshon ne iako’nowakéhte
Ants will chase the ladybugs away
34. Í:iah teiawé:kon ne iako’nowakéhte.
The lady bug does not taste good
35. Nó:nen iohterón:ni When it is afraid
36. Iókhas ne otsì:nekwar nikahnekà:keras It leaks yellow smelly liquid
37. Iohnekatská:ra aohsì:takon wahséhton
The bitter liquid is hidden in its feet
38. Nó:nen ne tsiki’nhontstókhi enioká:ri
When the ants bite it
39. Iako’nowakéhte kahentà:ke enkaia’kié:nen’ne
The ladybug falls on the ground
40. Entewatihéntho ne aohsí:na kaiató:kon It pulls its legs under its body
41. Í:iah teiotikarewáhtha nó:nen enkaia’kié:nen’ne
They don’t get hurt when they fall
42. Enwanihé:ia’te It pretends to be dead
43. Wákeras ne iako’nowakéhte The ladybug becomes smelly
44. Tsiki’nhontstóki én:wehre iaonhé:ion The ants will think it is dead
45. Nó:nen í:iah tetsió’tteron When the danger has passed
46. Onhwentsià:ke tho nón:we nikonte’serenónkies.
They crawl along there on earth
47. Tenkontí:ten nenhskonté:ko They fly away to escape
48. Ó:ni kontíkies nó:nen kontikhwísaks
They also fly when they look for food
49. Konwatíhseres They chase them
50. Kakwitè:ne nikahá:wi konni’nhónhsos. In spring time they lay eggs
51. Áhsen na’tenwatté:ni tsi niió:re ienkaia’taié:ri’ne
It will change 3 times until it will complete its body
52. O’nhónhsa It is an egg
53. Nikioión:ha It is a larva
54. Iekaia’taié:ri It is an adult
55. Nikioién:ha í:iah tha’tekontinerahontshón:ton.
The larva does not have wings attached
56. Ó:ni í:waks ne kontihneko’tsí:reks. It also eats aphids
57. Áhsen nihiahiakserá:ke enwatóhetste Three weeks after
58. Wa’tka’nhónhsia’ke It hatched (the egg did break)
59. Enwathwe’nón:ni tsi wakia’taráhkhwa
It will wrap itself in a cocoon
60. Tsiahiá:ksera tsi niió:re
One week later
61. Iako’nowakéhte iotón:’on It will be a ladybug
62. Nó:nen enwatitáhko When it will get out
63. Kiokierén:ton otsì:nekwar nikaia’tò:ten First it will have a yellow body
64. Sewenhnísera tsi niió:re, onekwénhtara nikaia’tò:ten
I week later, it will have a red body
65. Tánon é:so karahkwarónnion. And a lot of spots
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