A Voice from the Eastern Door

6th Annual Fun Fair

The Kanatakon School was packed on Wednesday, mainly with painted-face, balloon-animal carrying kids, which was a sign that Belly Buttons the clown was on hand. The event was put on by AMBE in celebration of their reading program. Alicia Thomas, an AMBE summer intern, said they have been doing reading programs in all three districts once a week. The kids were given book logs and encouraged to read beyond the summer program. For this the children would get book bucks. Alicia explained that the fun fair was a way to show the kids what a great job they did, and thank them for reading. It is also an incentive to get them to keep reading.

There were two giant bouncy houses, lots of activities under a giant tent, and an Olympics was also taking place. There was also a hamburger/hotdog lunch for sale to benefit the Diabetes Center for Excellence.


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