A Voice from the Eastern Door



The family of Les Cree would like to express our sincere gratitude to our relatives, friends, and community and to everyone who has helped us get through this difficult time of sadness and grief. We thank all who came to support us, to share our sorrow and to just be there for us. There are hardly any words to express our heartfelt thanks for the sympathy you have extended toward our family during this difficult time we have gone through with the passing of our loved one Les. We are deeply grateful to you.

 Special thanks to his friends who served as pall bearers and honorary Pallbearers. Our sincere gratitude to Father Jerome Pastores for the funeral message and our cousin for the eulogy. A special thanks goes out to the cooks for the meal after the service, Courtney and Sam, and to all the friends who helped, sent flowers, cards or monetary donations. We especially want to thank Donaldson funeral home for their assistance.

At this time we would also like to thank those who helped with monetary donations for the family to be with him while he was in the hospital; you all know who you are Niawen. To the Doctors and nurses for the care while he was given at Massena Memorial, Upstate medical Syracuse, St. Elizabeth Utica. Your presence and willingness to help us with anything and everything that was needed was a great comfort for us.

I also know that Les, “Les Butt” Cree treasured your friendships and shared much love and respect for each and everyone he knew. He will be sadly missed by all.

Niawen from the family of Leslie Cree


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