A Voice from the Eastern Door


Sponsored by the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment-SUNY ESF and the Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force

Land, fresh water, air, plants, forests, animals, birds and fish are all part of the environment that supports our wellbeing. The rising temperatures and changing weather caused by Global Climate Change will affect all of these resources within the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee. Global Climate Change not only has an effect on these resources, but may also have significant cultural effects. Because of our strong interdependence with our natural environment, native peoples may experience greater impacts of climate change. We know an indefinable change is upon us; it is important that we anticipate shifts, so we can respond and adapt accordingly, to meet our responsibilities in caring for the natural world as well as our communities.

The Center for Native People and the Environment-SUNY-ESF and the Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force would like to invite the general public to attend a community workshop to learn about predicted climatic shifts, including local impacts. With these workshops we are interested in listening to the concerns of the general public on how the coming climate change may impact culture and lands, and what types of resources, tools and information are needed to address these challenges in our communities. Your input is important in identifying concerns and trends about climate change effects and in helping to decide what steps should be taken to help our native communities be resilient in the face of climate change.


JULY 18, 2012 @ 6:30



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