Beatrice Wahienhaweh Jacobs was born to Sarah Barnhart Phillips and John Deer on June 23, 1912. She married Louis D. Jacobs on June 26, 1929 in St. Regis Quebec. They raised seven children, have 32 Grandchildren, 54 Great-grandchildren and 5 great-great-children.
She was a loving Mother but also went by the rule “spare the rod and spoil the child”. So we all knew what the old wooden yard stick was all about. She taught us to sing our prayers and how to behave in church. We all gathered as a family every night during the months of May, October and during lent to say the rosary. If neighbors happened to stop by at that time they would automatically kneel and join us. She always led the Rosary, reading all the mysteries appropriate for that day.
Mom taught us so much about manners and the proper way to clean house, make beds, etc. She was also an avid gardener and loved canning. We all remember the beautiful white laundry that she had washed on a scrub board and hung out on a clothesline to dry in all seasons.
We all were complimented on our clothes, many that were made from patterns she created, and what shiny hair we had, she took good care of us – always.
Our Mother was also very active in the community and church, teaching religious instructions to many children in the community. She was secretary and treasurer for the Cemetery Organization and one of the co-founders of the Senior Citizens in Hogansburg.
Her ability as a seamstress has been shown at church on the banner for the Rosary & Altar Society and the Bier for funerals.
Through the years she has attributed her longevity to the good husband she had.
This is a tribute to our Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother and Great-Great Grandmother, with our love and appreciation on her 100th birthday from her family.
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